Monday 5 January 2009


I know that I haven't posted for a while, okay, for ages, okay okay, MONTHS!.. but...... I have been popping down to plot 44, there just isn't much happening at the mo. Anyway , I do feel that we are turning a corner. The weather is actually doing what the weather should be doing, ie.. very cold! That is excellent news as far as allotment holders are concerned, breaking down soil, killing off the eggs of pests, encouraging fruit buds to form on fruiting trees and shrubs. We have endured the shortest day, and the days are slowly getting longer, things can only get better! I am still harvesting brussel sprouts, leeks, parsnips and .. thats it. Hubby is on a mission to get as much free horse manure as he can.. today he came home with 12 large bags which we duly spread over and around various beds and plants. Potatoes, shallots and fresh seeds have been ordered.. what else can I say... BRING IT ON!!

1 comment:

The Mulch said...

Thats the spirit.


Im on the Thames Estuary - Its been mighty cold but shhh. The weather man said it could reach the balmy heights of eight degrees this weekend.