Tuesday 29 July 2008

The highs and the lows

I am getting over my tooth abcess with the help of my dentist and five days worth of antibiotics, so am feeling back to my old self again. God help my family! Went down to plot 44 to have a quick look around and pick some more blueberries. I pulled some carrots, some of which are useable, and noticed that the ants have taken residence in the tub. Should I take action or just leave them alone? I'm not sure. Any ideas?
As I am sat here writing my blog there is an amazing aroma coming in from the kitchen of blueberry muffins. I found the recipe in my farmers market cookbook, and they are really easy to make, no creaming of butter and sugar etc, you just chuck all the dry ingredients into one bowl, all the wet ingredients into another, stir, then mix them both together with a metal spoon, and into the oven. Lovely.
Twenty minutes later.....yum yum.....
When I was on the plot earlier, I was thrilled to see that my goji berry bushes were starting to flower! I only put them in this year, they were about 10 - 12 inches high, they are now about 6 foot high!!! In one season! Incredible.
Meanwhile in the greenhouse the tomatoes are coming on in leaps and bounds.....
Or not as the case maybe.............!
Here's the culprit....


Goosey said...

That muffin looks wonderful, Tatty. Glad to hear you are feeling better now too. I tried one of those asparagus peas raw today...Ugggggggh!!!!!!
Plott 44 is looking good love Goosey x

Tattyanne said...

I pulled all mine up Goosey, shant bother again. Still you win some, you lose some! Hope to see you soon, Tatty x